Kosher Food Trucks??

· Food Truck News,Food

Kosher Food Trucks??

New York has long been considered the unofficial home of Jews. Outside of Israel.

Furthermore, New York boasts some of the best Kosher and Jewish specialty food and cuisine anywhere. But, now New York Jewish cuisine fiends have a new bragging right for their city’s culinary offering.

Yes, that’s right, the first Kosher Food Truck!

This is more than just food from food trucks. This is a big deal. Furthermore, we feel there is a meaningful point in society to garner from this Kosher Food Truck. Yes, that’s right, Deli and Dogz is not just another tasty food offering in the city that never sleeps. But, moreover, represents a ‘mainstreamness’ to religious culture. With the social media world of today. Many of Israel’s cultural phenomenon have been appropriated by people from all over the world. And that very much includes the food.

This is not a food truck just for the humungous Jewish population in New York. But, when you look at the Kosher stands these days in Midtown or at a sporting venue. In addition, to religious Jews, you are seeing people from all walks of life. All religions. Enjoying this new cultural food.

Instead of ordering “Jewish Food”, many order Kosher. And we are excited about it!

Kosher Food Trucks??

Article Courtesy of Rebellion Research